Due to ongoing changes to our websites, detailed information will be available soon again. However, you can access our webform to obtain a quotation and our support will assist you at any time.
Thank you for your understanding.
Benefits of Liechtenstein Limited Companies
- Only one founder - natural or legal person – is required
- paid up share capital of 50,000 CHF, requirement of fully paid share capital
- Capital either in CHF, EUR or USD
- After registration of the Company, the fully paid-up capital is free for use
- Compared with other European countries low tax burden, despite new tax legislation
- 12.5 % corporation tax for active companies
- New taxation legislation is EU compliant from 1.1.2011
- Private but transparent Investmentvehicle available - almost no tax (1,200 CHF p.a.)
- No restriktions for citizens of EU member states
- Ideal also for holding structures
Due to ongoing changes to our websites, detailed information will be available soon again. However, you can access our webform to obtain a quotation and our support will assist you at any time.
Thank you for your understanding.
Formation of a Liechtenstein Limited Company
We form a Liechtenstein AG (Limited) on your behalf, no matter where you want to domicile your company Liechtenstein.
During the preparation for the incorporation, we clear all necessary questions for you. These are in particular the name of the company, the purpose of society, the definition of the share type or the division of the common units.
To avoid unnecessary inquiries from the registration office, we will make the preparation of the memorandum and articles on your behalf and, with our experience and expertise, we will stand at your disposal any related questions.
Once we know what the intended name of your company, the purpose of the company, intended share denomination, the intended domiciliation are, we can start on the formation process.
Company Formation Process
Next Steps to your new Limited Company
We not only form your new company, domicile it and provide office services and business accounts, but also advise on legal and tax issues, if required.
Please fill out the following request form and our support team will contact you immediately for the next steps.