Advantage of running a company in Malta
Benefits of a Cyprus Limited
Full EU membership since 2004
Malta Limited / holding companies enjoy full acceptance by compliance with EU standards
A wide choice of companies - various types for all purposes
In most cases only one founder - natural or legal person - is required
Share capital from 1 € only, depending on type of company
Low Corporate Tax Rate of 5 % effective
=> Ideal for holding structures in combination with other EU-jurisdictions
=> Ideal for holding structures in combination with offshore jurisdictions
Interesting combinations with companies from Switzerland, Slovakia and Hong Kong
No taxes on dividens for non residents
No Gift and Inheritance Tax
VAT Rate 18 %
No restrictions of domicile and establishment of companies for EU citizens
Residence permits available for non-EU-citizens
Access to highly educated workforce
Affordable expenses for formation expenses and yearly administration costs
Liability Limitation to the subscribed share capital
Low effective tax rate of the Company at 5 %
Large number of DTA (double taxation agreements)
Director does not have to be resident in Malta
No problems with issuing residence permit for EU citizens
No tax on Patents
Strong growth and stable Law system - Common Law